A bit of a disclaimer

This is only the beginning, i'll get a more comprehensive Profile as time allows. what is more important is the content of the posts, not the ego fulfilling profile---at least for now

I have been stumbling over this part of my profile a while. The question is what will this blog to present to me and all of my readers? The simple answer is politics and opinions o the idiocy that surounds it.

I follow the news in general and politics in particular and have some strong feelings that I want to put out there for every one to read and comment on. I have an out look in life that is rather simple, but I think kind of sophisticated too. My language will not be as multi syllabic as some, nor will my insights be as complicated as others. I am a simple person and have simple thoughts, yet I think sometimes simplicity is a more elegant, and perhaps better, way to to accomplish things.

With this blog I want talk about matters with you and other readers. Perhaps we can see issues in ways that the Know-It-Alls will not. Or maybe we can just entertain ourselves with animated discussion.

I will write about something that has caught my attention---spouting my thoughts and hope others will feel motivated to reply. Sometimes I’ll merely state my take on a subject and throw it out there without trying to prove my point with some one else's words. Other times, if I can find a quote that fits my way of thinking, I’ll use some one else’s opinion.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The President goes on vacation and this is bad?

I know I am weighing on this issue a little late. It is true that others have pontificated on it, yet I feel compelled to say my piece. The President is on vacation. I say good for him! Having said that, I ask; does a sitting President ever really go on vacation? He has daily briefs, and needs to maintain abreast of so many issues, I wonder if work slow down is the correct word here. In addition, during this “vacation” he has dealt with Libya, the economy, a recalcitrant and vacationing Congress and basically just kept on going. I am not a golfer, yet I can understand how walking around and enjoying the beauty of Martha’s Vineyard can help clear one’s thinking. We do want to have a clear thinking President, right?
So what do you think. Let’s have a discussion.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is Going On Here are We Really Going Crazy

The whole debate about raising the debt ceiling has worn the whole nation down. I know from personal experience after the bill had been signed, I could not listen to any more about politics for a day or two. So I can really understand how our great and O so hard working Congress felt it needed to take a vacation. However, when one goes on vacation don’t we have to finish unfinished business, or at least delegate the responsibility to someone?
This whole issue with the FAA seems to be, at best pure neglect, and at worst a purposeful attempt at raising unemployment, thus undermining the confidence in various parts of our government. What seems even worse, at least to me, is the media has not picked up on it!
Am I missing something here? This is the way I see it:
    • We are at a time of high unemployment already
    • Our Congress neglects to deal with an issue that has to do with keeping 74,000 workers from their jobs
    • The Congress goes on vacation
We are already at a time of high jobless rates. Our leaders make statements saying that job creation should be paramount to all of our thinking. One side is pointing at the other saying, “Where is your plan,” while the unemployed go hungry and loose their homes looking for work.
While those “nonessential” FAA workers, 4,000 direct employees and 70,000 contractors, are released due to lack of funding; our government is not collecting taxes generated from airline ticket sales (we will go into the corporate greed behind Deltas’ collection of the taxes in another essay). This dustup of Congressional proportion is over some credit that costed the government something like $16 million a year. Everyday this manufactured issue went on cost the FAA lost around $30 to $32 million a day in uncollected airline ticket sales. WTF is going on here?
So let me get it straight;
    • 4,000 direct employees were out of a job.
    • 70,000 contractors out of work.
    • $32 million in taxes not collected.
    • Because a $16 million a year tax credit flounders in a vacationing U.S House of Representatives.
These are the people we have elected to represent our interests?
I have two questions on this debacle in governing. The first is simple; Why didn’t the media bring this to our attention---kinda like when JLo gets a zit. It feels like the whole issue was pushed to the side and not given the attention it deserved. Now I know that we were all distracted by the very important issue, though artificially contrived, of the debt ceiling debate, but I think that the “masses” can hold more than one important subject at one time. 
What is more important though, is what were they thinking, these powerful leaders of the United States of America? Hypocrites may, or may not be the right term here. (could that be too strong a term?) While one side of the House kept trying to define the Debt Ceiling issue around jobs, whist at the same time ignoring the loss of 74,000 of them, I ask what is going on inside of their heads? 
Now is the time when I should conclude this blog with my statement concerning the culpability, or outright malice of our countries’ leaders and media, but I want to start a discussion among those who have read this. So please let me know what you think of my words and the questions I have brought up.
