Now it is Saturday and Mom has had a night at her new, for the moment, home. Truthfully, she was still a little hazy about what was going on.
When the Runtyun and I arrived at Stone Creek, on Friday, we found her room and made our way to it. Guess what she was doing. Yup, trying to get out of bed! Can you say "stubborn?"
We got her settled and talked a while. She seemed to like her new digs. About that time, Dad arrived and we all had a nice conversation.
Saturday rolled around, and again the Kid and I visited. The previous night seemed to go well for her. She was dressed and sitting up in her chair looking so pretty.
We decided to go for a little stroll. Stone Creek has a little protected area, a courtyard, outside where people can go to get some air. Mom and I explored, while the Runtyun stared at her phone. Mom seemed to soak in the fresh air and sun. There were moments of silence and I wondered what Mom was thinking about. Whatever it was, she had a slight smile. Me? You ask---I was wondering about the future, our future both near and distant.
Finally, we decided to go back inside and look around a little. We followed the corridor and found the dining room and a menu for dinner. Mom did not want to have a hamburger for supper. It turns out there was an alternative which worked better for her.
Back at her room, Mom was a little confused. She thought her room had changed. The Runtyun and I reassured her everything was OK. Finally, we got her settled on her bed.
We talked a little more and finally it was time for us to leave.
Sunday came around and I was home at my computer trying to edit a couple of photos to post when I got a call from Dad saying that Mom's bed had some kind of malfunction and she was worried for her safety.
The Runtyun and I arrived to find Mom all dressed and seated in her wheeled thrown. All was well in the world again. It runs out a bolt had worked its way out and the whole bed was tilting. This happened in the middle of the night. When it was fixed I commented that now she would not be sleeping with her feet hanging over the abyss. This elicited a smile.
Dad had brought a figurine of the terra-cotta cat I gaven her last year---a nice touch to make the room more comfortable.
Somehow, the conversation got around what happened and why she was not at home. Oh, how she wanted to be at home. She started to talk about it a little, but I could tell she was merely putting words out, so I explained what had happened and how she had fallen and hit her head. I went into detail explaining each day at the hospital and how she had ended up here.
The look of relief was profound and she finally had a little understanding of her circumstances. It occurred to me that no one had really explained to her what was going on. Maybe, they had at some point, but she may have been unable to process the details, I am not sure.
Here is a photo from my iPhone.
I went by today to see her. Both Dad and Mom had just finished dinner and they both seemed happy with life. Fat and happy right now is a good thing!
Their neighbor had sent along a very pretty iris for her room and here is an image of it along with one of only Mom. She was making a funny face for the flower shot, but I took it anyhow.
Every time I see my Mother, she seems to be doing better, but I know the road to recovery will be a long one. This is to be expected, I guess. She has not lost her sense of humor though and this is a good thing. I love to help her find her smile and even chuckle at a silly comment.
I think she understands that a very serious thing happened and is a little concerned about. We have talked about it a little, trying to fathom what's going on. I have told her that people who know more about this than me are all working on a way to get her home and she needs to be patient with everyone and listen to what they say.
I am hopeful she heard what I was trying to say.
I love you Mother, please let us help you.
PS forgive any typos, It's been my long day but I wanted to get this posted tonight.