I have been listening to some of the rhetoric coming from the talking heads on both the right and left side of the political spectrum. One of my biggest questions about the marketing of the various views being pushed on us is why does the Republican side of the aisle get their message out to the people so much more effectively then the Democratic?
The democratic, or progressive, message seems to be more in line with the ethical and moral leanings of most of the people I know and interact with. Even the more militant conservatives understand that we need to take care of our own to make a safe and secure future for the our kids.
However, the more conservative members of our society keep yelling that we need to do it their way, while the Progressives whine and mule about social injustice.
Back when George Bush was The Decider and he accomplished something, he would get up on a podium and decry his victory, then others in his cabinet would do the same. The massage would be trumpeted all the way down the political line. Now that we have a Democrat in the Big Office, we do not hear anything even close to the same rhetoric from his side of the aisle. When a goal has been attained by the current administration, all we get is a subdued announcement from the left and then a cavalcade of criticism form the right, “He did not go in with enough force,” “he used too much force,” “the announcement was made in the wrong room,” “I would have done it this way.” While the Democrats just sit back and take the “high ground” acting too confidant to need to toot their own horn letting the positive message, and credit flounder away.
When I was growing up, I was taught that we should not bellow and shout and boast. It was thought as egotistical. I have seen, as I get older, that the ones who get ahead let others know their outstanding deeds, or have others do it for them. The strength of the Republican party seems to be their ability to get the message out to the public. Though each person has a different set of words, they all get the message out there for the public to hear: “We are the right way to go, and we know how to do it!” doing it over and over until it just feels like the truth. While their message may be debatable, it is very powerful way to go about it!
In our world of multiple multimedia sources of information and so many political, social and economic issues to follow, not to mention the world of sports, fashion, reality TV and just what is Kim doing today, the average person who is merely trying to get by and keep up with his or her family, the average dude or dudette may only hear the loudest, or most unique shout, the one that stands out. Remember when Representative Boehner was talking about his past and tears welled up? With his emotional out bursts so powerful, people listen to him because he has built a bond of sorts. What is more important though, is the way he did it. Inside of a month, Mr. Boehner was caught tearing up several times. Have you noticed that we have not seen him tear up for at least a couple of months. I conjecture that is because he made his point and has moved on. My point is not only did Mr. Boehner create an issue, but others touted it for him. If the media and other talking heads had not made such a big deal of it then there would not be such empathy for the man. He used others to make him into a sympathetic figure.
When a democrat accomplishes something of significance it makes a splash and then, after a few days, no one seems to follow through. Nancy Pelocy, the Democratic minority leader in the House, does not do anything. we hear nothing from her, or her staff or the Democratic side of the aisle. Harry Reed --- well, I have heard even less from him. These are the leaders of the Democratic party, why are they not leading? because of this lack of leadership, the we do not get the coverage of, nor accolades to keep the momentum of positive accomplishments growing.
Here is an example of what I am talking about. When Muammar Gaddafi was slain, the Republican party went ballistic. They praised the French and English for a job well done. They praised the local people for standing up for themselves. They gave a nod to our troops for a job well done. Was President Obama’s name mentioned? Yep it was, --- in a disparaging way. He did not do it right, or he did this wrong: that kind of thing. John McCain, Senator from Arizona even flip-flopped his opinion of the whole operation when the deed was done!
Did we hear anything of substance for the left?---Uhhhh, Silence.
This is only one instance of the failings in messaging that is being perpetrated by the democrats. It is true that Obama should not toot his own horn, BUT SOMEONE HAS TOO! OK so there is a Facebook presence and I get emails from the Administration, and I am sure there is some kind of Twitter feed for the President, but where is the media coverage? Why don’t the talking heads do more to carry the torch of their leader, Barack Obama? Why are we not hearing about the accomplishments of this Administrations? I listen to the radio all day long and I hear only from Stephanie Miller and Ed Schulz and Bill Press. Where are the politicians, the people who count, in this? They need to get in the fray and let their constituents know about the positive things they and the President have done.
Instead, they sit quietly by wondering why all the good work they have done gets overruled, or worse twisted in a lousy pretzel shaped sausage.
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