A bit of a disclaimer

This is only the beginning, i'll get a more comprehensive Profile as time allows. what is more important is the content of the posts, not the ego fulfilling profile---at least for now

I have been stumbling over this part of my profile a while. The question is what will this blog to present to me and all of my readers? The simple answer is politics and opinions o the idiocy that surounds it.

I follow the news in general and politics in particular and have some strong feelings that I want to put out there for every one to read and comment on. I have an out look in life that is rather simple, but I think kind of sophisticated too. My language will not be as multi syllabic as some, nor will my insights be as complicated as others. I am a simple person and have simple thoughts, yet I think sometimes simplicity is a more elegant, and perhaps better, way to to accomplish things.

With this blog I want talk about matters with you and other readers. Perhaps we can see issues in ways that the Know-It-Alls will not. Or maybe we can just entertain ourselves with animated discussion.

I will write about something that has caught my attention---spouting my thoughts and hope others will feel motivated to reply. Sometimes I’ll merely state my take on a subject and throw it out there without trying to prove my point with some one else's words. Other times, if I can find a quote that fits my way of thinking, I’ll use some one else’s opinion.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A link to a Ride

So there is another fine post at my other blog: http://onelonecastaway.wordpress.com/2012/05/13/an-afternoon-on-the-bike/ One Lone Castaway's Rantings. Its about a day with a special friend. Have a look! And PLEASE let me know what you thing!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Super Moon

A Daddy grows up has another fun and insightful post. Have a look! Check it out at  http://adadgrowsup.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/super-moon/
there are pictures too!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sundays ride

it is really amazing how life gets i control and one needs to make a tremendous effort to accomplish a something that should only take a minute. i have been working on this post for a week now, but everything got in the way and seemed more pressing then finishing it. i made time tonight to post this one on A Daddy Grows Up, so please have a look at http://adadgrowsup.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/sundays-ride/ and leave a comment! i really want to know what people think! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I just don’t get it. How does what people do in the privacy of their own lives effect others? I just do not understand how the love of two homosexual men or lesbian women effect the lives of heterosexual people?
I know there are some who think that homosexuality is a choice, but there is proof stating otherwise. Even if same sex relationships were a choice, how does that choice make a difference to a heterosexual couple?
Let’s get a discussion going on this. Please leave a comment here and we can try to “flesh” this thing out.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Joey the Libertarian or NC's version of Joe the Plumber Part 1

I have this friend, colleague, acquaintance, who is a Libertarian---yeah I know, but he is OK. We have some interesting conversations about politics. It turns out many of his views are similar to mine. I know, kinda scary right? We'll talk about Ron Paul and some of his opinions. I'll express mine about his suspected racism, and Joey will down play it. I'll try to make the point that though Paul's ability to define a problem is very good, his solutions need some work, archaic even.

We'll go back and forth on different subjects and generally have a lively discussion, yet we do not ever get to the level of name calling and back stabbing the national talking heads seem to lower themselves to. Joey will make his point, and sometimes he is very passionate about it, and then I'll like mine. Many times our opinions very dramatically, but we don't yell at each other.  

I try to keep an open mind on all things though I have a liberal bend. When Joey and I talk, I wonder how he can stick so close to his thoughts. Basically, he believes in self-reliance and the ability to "take care of his own." He wants to have less government intervention in our lives. He wants to allow business to govern it self.

If everything were equal and business could be trusted to be more socially aware, as well as environmentally conscious, then I think less government is a good thing. Unfortunately, reality is not what we want. The outcome is what matters to most businessmen. Back in the day when resources were "unlimited" the attitude of taking without regard to anything but the bottom-line was profitable in a long term way.  

I have only taken a couple of classes in business, but it seems to me that businessmen need to think about future profits and not just today or tomorrow or a 5 year plan. 

This is where my view differs from a libertarians' most drastically. If the business man cannot look into the future and only conducts his business with no regard for the future; meaning the environment or even those who facilitate his business, then the government needs to step up and legislate/regulate the short sighted businessman.

“Hey, you Independent dude!”
“Don't insult me that way, you lame a$$ Liberal!”
“You gone fishin’ lately, you dinosaur thinker?”
“Naw, the river was closed ‘cause of some kinda toxic pollution. Damn gov’ment tellin’ what we can’t do!”
“Hey wasn’t there some kinda paper plant close to you, you stinkin’ Libertarian?”
“Yeah, it closed a bit ago. Thing was leakin’ poison last I heard. Kids getting cancer and can’t breath so good. Why?”
“Just saying, is all. That place you fish at--- its pretty far from that plant, right?”
“Not even close. Down stream a aways. What your point?”
“Just askin’ is all…”


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Who Is Dr. Sowell, or is he even relevant?

A friend CCed this article by Thomas Sowell, to me. The article had a picture of an actor whose name I cannot remember, but he has a sever, yet wise face. For the most part the articles Ted sends to me are feel good ones, if you are a conservative, blasting the current administration. I look at them and wonder what they may be thinking, but realize we are all entitled to our opinion.
This article however, was so over the top that I just had to reply. Briefly Dr. Sowell is trying to compare the Occupy Wall Street movement with every negative cliche he can come up with. In 339 words he has not only equated the Occupy movement but the President, with bad hygiene, communism, socialism, public sex, the 1%, Black Panthers Unions, destroying the American way of life, racism, class warfare, the degradation of the Family and the loss of personal liberties as well as bad hygiene I want to take a writing class from this guy for a number of reasons. Here are a couple; his ability to draw emotions is pretty good, and the way he uses fiction to slant the truths he is misleading us with is truly a work of art!

Here are the most salient points I want to discuss.

Dr. Sowell says the America being fostered is lawless, unaccomplished, ignorant and incompetent in rule. The Occupiers have stayed on Public land, well within the laws of local municipalities. They have moved several times when local restrictions have been enacted trying to“clean”up their area. In fact, in Asheville alone, the protestors have moved at least 4 times because of local changes in regulations.
He says these kids are unaccomplished and ignorant. Considering they are still in college or just graduated, we can understand their lack of success - but ignorant? Come on Dr. Sowell, these protestors, for the most part are going to school to beat their lack of education! As far as having incompetent rule, they don't really have a direction to the movement, but their protest has gone on for almost six months and it takes a certain amount of skill and leadership to keep a movement together for so long. However, it seems that the good Doctor may be referring to the President on this matter. All I can do is ask what has President Obama done so far? Answer: gotten us out of a costly and misdirected war, brought the unemployment rate down to 8.5% (the lowest in how may years?), gotten the auto industry working again and now I hear that high tech ordering is up to a ten year high!
Dr. Sowell says the Occupiers are pillaging those who have scarified greatly while giving nothing of themselves. They are giving themselves to the very cause of democracy equality. They are giving and sacrificing their time and energy, and career prospects voluntarily, to the betterment of their country and ideals. They are giving time and energy trying to make others aware of the inequality that is perpetrated by the vaunted 1%, while sacrificing their time and career building for the better good of their country. This may not be a shooting war, yet there is a battle for the rights of the people going on.
In another paragraph he says they are promoting class warfare, racism, hatred, violence and murder. What is he thinking? One wonders if he is projecting is own feelings upon the protester. Yes, these negative aspects of our society may be in evidence at Occupy camps, but they are not being promoted. In any microcosm or subculture we will see aberrant behavior and in many cases these behaviors will be amplified. Most of the lawlessness that occurs in the camps, however are from infiltrators or those taking advantage of an established camp, not the Occupy protestors.
He attacks the way they Occupiers live on public land. He makes a good point. The cities where the Occupiers are have allowed them to use the public land. The problem with hygiene was taken care of by using portable johns. In an effort to“clean”up the parks though, the portable johns have been removed. So whose fault is it?
Dr. Sowell says the basic tenets of society are being rejected. Huh? He says free press, family values, faith and individual rights are being rejected:
  1. Free press is also freedom of speech. The occupiers are talking freely trying to get their message out. Those in power are trying to repress their message.
  2. Families are out in the camps teaching their kids the meaning of freedom and our democratic way of life.
  3. He says faith is under attack. The protesters are the embodiment of faith in the democratic system. They show faith in themselves and their leaders and even those who do not understand what the fight is all about.
  4. He says individual rights are being slighted by the Occupiers. It is their right to protest.
    In his letter, Dr. Sowell tries to equate President Obama, Michelle Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, with the Black Panthers and other anti-American entities. Last time I checked, the Black Panthers did not exist any more. Even when they were active their influence was minimal and short lived.
Dr. Sowell's last bomb throw in this eloquent though misguided letter is to accuse President Obama of being a communist who is using the Occupiers as a tool to annihilate America. That is just plain stupid. It is true the recovery has taken longer than anyone wants it in getting our economy rolling again, but that can be attributed to an ineffectual Congress. To imply President Obama is trying to annihilate America as we know it, is blatantly wrong.
Dr. Sowell is trying to start a fight making statements that are wrong and in some cases malicious to the point of open lying to make Occupiers look evil. He is trying to say that the Occupiers are being sponsored by the current administration. Where is your evidence, Dr. Sowell? More importantly, where is your logic: What is the President's motivation? Why would someone lie to get their agenda in the public view? Please have a look at some of Dr. Sowell's rants and see what kind of bomb thrower he is. It looks like he wants to stir trouble without finding, or offering solutions. His conservative agenda seems to be feed paranoia and bigotry, while serving his need to be relevant.