A bit of a disclaimer

This is only the beginning, i'll get a more comprehensive Profile as time allows. what is more important is the content of the posts, not the ego fulfilling profile---at least for now

I have been stumbling over this part of my profile a while. The question is what will this blog to present to me and all of my readers? The simple answer is politics and opinions o the idiocy that surounds it.

I follow the news in general and politics in particular and have some strong feelings that I want to put out there for every one to read and comment on. I have an out look in life that is rather simple, but I think kind of sophisticated too. My language will not be as multi syllabic as some, nor will my insights be as complicated as others. I am a simple person and have simple thoughts, yet I think sometimes simplicity is a more elegant, and perhaps better, way to to accomplish things.

With this blog I want talk about matters with you and other readers. Perhaps we can see issues in ways that the Know-It-Alls will not. Or maybe we can just entertain ourselves with animated discussion.

I will write about something that has caught my attention---spouting my thoughts and hope others will feel motivated to reply. Sometimes I’ll merely state my take on a subject and throw it out there without trying to prove my point with some one else's words. Other times, if I can find a quote that fits my way of thinking, I’ll use some one else’s opinion.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The President goes on vacation and this is bad?

I know I am weighing on this issue a little late. It is true that others have pontificated on it, yet I feel compelled to say my piece. The President is on vacation. I say good for him! Having said that, I ask; does a sitting President ever really go on vacation? He has daily briefs, and needs to maintain abreast of so many issues, I wonder if work slow down is the correct word here. In addition, during this “vacation” he has dealt with Libya, the economy, a recalcitrant and vacationing Congress and basically just kept on going. I am not a golfer, yet I can understand how walking around and enjoying the beauty of Martha’s Vineyard can help clear one’s thinking. We do want to have a clear thinking President, right?
So what do you think. Let’s have a discussion.

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